
The Bursar/Cashier’s Office is the central processing department for all payments/receipts of the University. All services will be in compliance with pg电子下载 State University and the State of Mississippi’s policies and procedures along with all state and federal regulatory requirements. For questions concerning financial aid awards and posting of financial aid, feel free to utilize pg电子下载 State University’s Financial Aid Office’s ‘Need Help’ form HERE. Any questions concerning registration (enrolling classes, adding additional classes, or dropping classes) should be
directed to the Office of Student Records @ 601-877-6170.

Hours of Operation

Campus Location:

Walter Washington Administration Building
Room 203 2nd floor

Campus Location:

Walter Washington Administration Building
Room 203 2nd floor

Need Help?

College Expenses

The cost of an education at pg电子下载 State University has been determined by maintaining such expenditures as Tuition, Room & Board, and incidentals at the lowest possible rate constituent with satisfactory service. Tuition may be reduced in many instances by scholarship aid, student earnings, and grants-in-aid.

Fall 2022 Spring 2023 Tuition Rates


The Bursar/Cashier’s Office is responsible for accepting and processing payments and tuition fees along with miscellaneous materials (housing fines, library fines, and etc.). In addition to fee collections, the Bursar’s Office also manages:

The Office of the Bursar manages student accounts, tuition and fees, student billing, process payments, and financial aid refunds.


Students should become familiar with the details of his or her account. A statement of account (student bill) will be sent to students on a quarterly basis via Banner Online Serves (selfserve.expresswayautobody.com). Log into Banner Online Services, enter secure area, student and financial services, and view summary by term.
Students are required to pay their bills on-time and in a timely manner.

Third-party billing is a process in which a student’s tuition is being paid by outside resources other than financial aid such as USDA, Vocational Rehabilitation, MPACT, MDRS, and etc.

Students must submit all necessary documentation (i.e., a letter from the payee on their official letterhead, copy of MPACT card, etc.) as well as the student’s class schedule to the Bursar’s Office in a timely manner before an invoice can be completed.
NOTE: If all required documentation is submitted before classes begin, an invoice will be completed and mailed by the last day of registration. The sooner you submit your information, the better the turnaround results.

The ASU Payment Plan is designed to help students defer payments for a given semester and broken down in two equal installments. A contract fee of $50 is required at the time of enrollment and is nonrefundable. Generally there are two plans offered (Partial Financial Aid and Non-Financial Aid). The payment plan is available for the Fall and Spring terms. Failure to pay the deferred balance by the due dates will result in a late fee of 5%, collection activity, holds placed on the student account and may prevent future eligibility of the payment plan.

For step-by-step instructions for the Payment Plan, please click the following link: Payment Plan Instructions

To view the plans available for enrollment, please click Bill + Payment Important Information and scroll down to the heading Payment Plan tab.

Your tuition is an obligation that must be paid. We are here to assist and support you during the payment process.

The first step is to become knowledgeable about what payment options are available. Even though our office will support and assist you in your efforts, it is ultimately your responsibility.

Consequences of Delinquent Accounts

If your account remains past due payment arrangements, additional steps will be taken to collect the outstanding balance. Holds have already been placed on your University transcript and registration. Your student account becomes delinquent after 180 days.

The following actions may occur if delinquent tuition remains unpaid:

Placement of your account with a licensed collection agency. Collection agencies may assess collection fees up to 40% of your balance.
Your delinquency will reported to a national credit bureau.

Determining Student Refunds

Financial Aid will not take care of parking violations and/or student housing and academic hold payments.

After the student’s account charges have been cleared, any remaining credit balances (overpayment) will be refunded to the student.

Financial Aid Refund Process/Procedures

Financial Aid recipients should receive their financial aid overages (refunds) between the fifth and sixth week of the semester. This allows the Financial Aid office time to verify the number of credit hours in which you enrolled and attended. Financial Aid eligibility will be paid based on the actual number of fundable credit hours students are registered in at the end of the third full week of the Fall/Spring semesters.

A credit balance is the result of an overpayment on a student’s account from Financial Aid. Loans, Pell Grant, SEOG, Athletic Scholarships, Academic Scholarship, and etc. Credit balance refunds will be processed when a credit actually exists on the student’s account. Anticipated Financial Aid must be posted to the student’s account in order for a credit to exist and for a refund to be processed.

Refund of Withdrawal Charges

Students who withdraw from the University in Good Standing are entitled to a refund of tuition charges according to the following schedule for fall and spring semesters:

First official day of class – 90%
Between Weeks One and Two – 80%
Between Weeks Three and Four – 60%
Between Weeks Five and Six – 40%
After Week Six – No Refund

Students who withdraw unofficially and return weeks or months later to withdraw officially and claim refunds are not entitle to them. If a student withdraws from the University and his or her account results in a credit balance, a refund will automatically be generated through the refund process.

In order to provide more flexible options for receiving refunds, The pg电子下载 State University Card Office is migrating from BBPay to BankMobile Disbursements to deliver financial aid and other school refunds. The new refund program will give you the following options for receiving refunds:

Electronic Deposit To Another Account

Electronic Deposit To A BankMobile Vibe Account

For more information about the BankMobile program, visit http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices.

Bank Mobile Contract Information

Gold Card Registration Procedures

“Brave Bucks” Cash Deposit Machine

There are two Phil Stations on campus where you can add funds to your Gold Card.

Load Cash only to your Gold Card at Campus Union & Campus Police Station
This machine does not give change back.
Check your Gold Card balance
Check your Flex Dollar balance

*NOTE: When the Gold Card side is loaded, funds cannot be removed.

When students report to campus, they must have a full award which covers the total cost of attendance, a partial award which must be accompanied by any balance due, or payment by cash, cashier’s check, and/or money order which can be paid at the Cashier’s window; or Personal Checks and credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) via online services (TouchNet) to cover the cost of attendance.

Payments received at the Cashier’s Office by 4:00 PM CST Monday– Thursday and by 3:00 PM Friday will be part of that day’s activity. Payments can be made online through Bill + Payment Suite until 10:30 PM CST using the following sources:

Financial Aid (must be logged onto selfserve.expresswayautobody.com)
Credit/Debit Card and/or WebCheck (website only + a 2.85% nonrefundable fee for credit/debit card payments)

Please note that if you are using our webcheck system for the first time, a pre-note is attached verifying that the bank account is valid. The pre-note is verified in 5 days. Students will not be able to register before the pre-note is verified. If you choose this method of payment, go ahead and set up the account at least 5 days in advance so that it can be checked for validity and your registration will not be delayed.

Combination of Financial Aid, Credit/Debit Card and/or WebCheck
Cash (Bursar’s Office only)
Check/Money Order (window or mail only) Third-party checks are not accepted.

Checks/Money Orders must be made Payable to pg电子下载 State University with the student’s A# (pg电子下载 ID) written on the front.
A $50 fee will be charged if a check is returned.
For more information on the Bill + Payment Suite, please click the following link: Bill + Payment Suite Important Information

Checks/Money Orders can be mailed to:
pg电子下载 State University
Bursar’s Office
1000 ASU Drive 509
Lorman, MS 39096

Form 1098-T, is a Tuition Statement that is filed by eligible educational institutions for each student they enroll and for whom a reportable transaction is made. Insurers file this form for each individual to whom they made reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses.

How to retrieve your 1098-T

The 1098-T form is an informational tax document to aid taxpayers in determining whether they are able to claim a tax deduction or one of the educational tax credits.

1098-T’s will be processed and available for printing on January 31st or the last working day of January.

Go to pg电子下载’s website at 9pgj.expresswayautobody.com
Select Banner Online Services from the Students or Faculty/Staff dropdown menu
Enter your User ID and password

• User ID is your social security number or pg电子下载 Student ID number
• Password is your six digit birthday (if you do not change it)

Click on Student Services and Financial Aid
Click on Student Records
Click on Tax Notification

• Enter a tax year and print

****Students can print and view current and prior year 1098-T forms online by placing the year of interest in the appropriate box after following the steps above.

****pg电子下载 State University is not required to furnish a 1098-T to: non resident aliens; individuals whose qualified tuition and related expenses are waived or paid with scholarships or grants; individuals enrolled in non-credit courses; or to individuals whose calculations amount to zero.

NOTE: pg电子下载 State University does not provide tax or legal advice. The decision as to whether you qualify for an education tax credit should be determined in consultation with your personal tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.

pg电子下载 State University will use the class attendance information from instructors and the Registrar’s Office to determine the tracking module to the Financial Aid Office. Financial Aid will review this information to determine the amount of aid that will be released to the student’s account. Students enrolled in courses that begin later in the semester will not be paid until those classes begin and attendance has been verified. Verification for classes that start later in the semester will be performed every two weeks.

In order to receive student aid funds, class attendance/participation is required to maintain student aid eligibility. Students receiving financial aid assistance must attend and participate in all classes.

Miscellaneous Fees (Located in the Student Handbook)
ACT Exam $45.00 Dorm Breakage Deposit $100.00
Parking Decal $65.00 Key Deposit $25.00
Parking Violations $20.00-$115.00 Returned Check Fee $50.00
Library Photocopy $.25 Student Replacement ID $25.00
Library Overdue $.25/day Transcript $12.00
Mailbox Rental $30-$40 Orientation Fee $100.00
Deferred Payment Plan Fee $50.00 Graduation Fee $50-$100
Activity Fee $15.00 Technology Fee $20/hour
Capital Improvement Fee $50/Semester